financial documents and prepare blueprint for legal financial
Educate client on financial position
Assist client to identify financial goals
Organize finances
Perform financial needs analysis for spousal or family support
Develop budgets
Prepare current and future monthly income and expense reports
Forecast cash flow using computer projections/models
Prepare report of tax consequences of sale of family home
Perform tracings related to marital standard of living or debt
Determine ability to purchase new home
Examine retirement and insurance issues
Evaluate tax consequences of different spousal or family support
Analyze present value of support buyout
Prepare stock option analysis
Identify need for estimated tax payments
Research separate property claims
Trace property acquisitions for both tax consequences and separate
property claims
Prepare inventories
Distinguish taxable assets from nontaxable assets
Calculate marital versus separate property of real estate holdings
Obtain cost basis of assets
Analyze settlement offer
Discuss health insurance options
Determine need for Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) for
retirement assets
Communicate with attorney, if requested
Determine need for additional financial specialists such as pension
evaluator, business
appraiser, or real estate professional
Provide information to prevent IRS from denying spousal or family
support deduction
Identify potential marital credits and reimbursements
Clarify inconsistent financial information
Review marital settlement agreement to note any financial problems
in language
Review employee benefit plans
Generate creative solutions
here to contact me
information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended
to be, financial or legal advice. Jude Sterling recommedns you
consult with a financial or legal expert for individual advice
regarding your own situation.