1) A financial analysis conducted early in the divorce process will save you time and reduce your anxiety, because much of the early part of the divorce process is spent trying to get a clear understanding of the finances.

2) You will save money when you obtain an easily understood financial report which includes the tax consequences of your financial options; this will allow your attorney/attorneys to focus on the legal issues while not needing to spend additional time sending settlement documents back and forth because you do not have the knowledge of what these documents mean to you. A Martial Settlement Agreement should be less expensive for the attorney to prepare as all assets and debts and their related account numbers are all in one place ready to be inserted into the agreement.

3) A complete understanding of the long-term forecast of the effects of the proposed support amounts you will receive or pay, your new budget, and your share of the division of property will help you avoid the financial pitfalls related to divorce agreements and reduce your fear and uncertainty about the future. See Sample Reports page.

4) Your realistic household budget which we will prepare together will include all living expenses such as life insurance, health insurance, and cost of living increases, etc.

5) Your thorough understanding of your family's financial picture will help you to have realistic expectations and not regret the financial decisions made during the divorce process.

6) You can provide your attorney with a complete financial report including a detailed written portion explaining all relevant financial facts; this will give him/her confidence that all assets and debts and income and expenses have been disclosed and will give them all the information they need to give you quality legal advice related to your particular situation.

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DISCLAIMER:The information you obtain at this website is not, nor is it intended to be, financial or legal advice. Jude Sterling recommends you consult with a financial or legal expert for individual advice regarding your own situation.

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